Our Conditions
How can the playbacks be used?
The playbacks may only be used for entertainment purposes (temporarily). Be it by playing a CD player or PC.
We do not give permission for CD recordings (not temporarily). However, we would be happy to create such a file for you in our studio.
For text content that is sung along with the music, Music-Record distances itself in all respects and assumes no liability for any racist or similar content expressed in any form.
The only idea is that the singer is accompanied as if by a professional live band. Be it on stage or at home in a private environment.
What are you not allowed to do with our playbacks?
- No pirated copy!
We occasionally carry out random samples of public performances and hear very quickly whether this is one of our playbacks. Digital codes are incorporated into the files and we can compare them with a recording device. In addition, when we place an order, we see who is honest and who is not. We immediately report any offense in this regard.
A single backup copy on e.g. a USB stick for personal use is permitted.
- No manual change!
We do not tolerate any interference with the instrument spectrum or arrangement.
You can only influence the color of the sound.
This can be done by:
- EQ, compressor, gate, expander
What about copyright law?
Music-Record expressly distances itself from any author, or any costs incurred by public services.
For performances which our playbacks are used, each artist has to account for the
- Suisa
- Gema
- Right to broadcast
- Right to perform
Each user is responsible for the volume. Music-Record distances itself from the volume decibels in every respect.